Panoleniakos Karatoula is one of the most historical and popular football clubs in
Ilia's area. The club, with newest form has been established since 1980 . This was a big effort by many people.
The club of Panoleniakos offers to many young people play their favourite sport, football. Fifty years before, Panoleniakos
was a dream by people of Karatoula's area, for a big team for all of area of Oleni. The gratest hit of club was the second
place in A' topical division of Ilia with the great team of 80's. That season Panoleniakos Karatoula won the greatest
team in Ilia the official team of Paniliakos. The year 2000-2001 Panoleniakos took the first place in B' Group on C'
Division and our team promoted on B' Division, After that we play on C' Division Grand Champions Tournament
and we won the title of GRAND CHAMPION of C' Division. From 2001 we were in B'category. The last season 2004-2005 was
5th in B' category, For next season 2005-2006 we hope for the promotion on a new divison A2 Ilia Division